Quick Check – Doing Sales und business in Germany
Fast, precise and competent analysis of your sales and business activities
+++ UPDATE +++
Due to the corona crisis, we are offering you a free, non-binding 60-minute consultation prior to our quick check.
Sales is undoubtedly one of the most important areas and duties of a company. Customers are approached with a lot of passion and commitment, a wide variety of hurdles are overcome and, in the best case, not only there is a lot of movement, but profitable deals are also closed on a regular basis. In no other area are people at all levels so close to the front line and must be able to react to customer requests and changes of any kind with lightning speed as in sales positions.
But what should you do if your sales volume suddenly collapses, your key customer suddenly ends the assignment, or the circumstances change that pose an acute threat to your sales targets as well as your business model? Pure actionism and panicked activities are unfortunately far too common and usually only further fuel the negative spiral. For small and medium-sized companies and the self-employed in particular, minor changes in the order volume can have devastating effects.
The frequently heard flat rate statement “Times are changing and concepts from the past no longer work today.” in my opinion falls way too short. Of course, the possibilities, such as technology and communication, are constantly evolving. However, we should think about how we can combine the best of all worlds as intelligently and practically as possible and integrate them pragmatically into the organization.
Regardless of whether this concerns strategy, internal or external communication, processes or technology. We offer you a quick check of your current sales situation and help to show which potentials are still dormant for you and are just waiting to be awakened.
5 reasons for you quick check sales
- Calculable and manageable budget (Due to the corona crisis, you will receive a free, non-binding 60-minute consultation before the quick check)
- Professional view of an entrepreneur from the outside
- Quick insights and recommendations
- Structured and understandable procedure
- Holistic view
For whom the quick check is suitable
Small and medium-sized companies and the self-employed in particular benefit most from having their sales strategy and organization professionally analyzed using our Quick Check. We always advise and communicate on an equal footing and always take your individual situation and starting position into account. You can also expect us to speak clearly so that we can develop the best possible recommendations for you.
Balzer & Partner helps fast
Do you have a specific problem or are you stuck? Talk to us and together we will find the right solution for you. Even if it is “only” a recommendation that helps, the conversation should have been worthwhile in most cases.
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